About us

State-of-the-art equipment and closeness to fresh quality
raw material is of paramount importance when deciding
the location of our production plants.
Midsund, Hydrolysis Plant Hofseth BioCare´s first processing plant is situated in Midsund, Norway and it has state-ofthe-art hardware and technology. Our dedicated,skilled, and trained staff with wide-ranging experience from the food processing industry ensure that the customer has full attention during the production process. New products will be developed together with the customers and our in-house R&D and S&M crew. On request, customers can be given access to analysis results and certificates for their own products. The advanced production facilities and our stringent quality system are GMP+ and
FSSC 22000 certified. Consistent high-quality products are a significant advantage, since competitors primarily focus on bulk deliveries
of products from poorly controlled processes. Close cooperation with world-leading enzymes vendors, who have their own R&D and laboratory
facilities for close follow-up and troubleshooting for all types of product and production issues, ensures the best quality standards.
Berkåk, Spray-drying Plant Hofseth BioCare acquired this state-of-the-art
spray-drying facility at Berkåk in January 2013. This facility has enabled Hofseth Bio Care to control the whole protein value chain from the sourcing of raw material through to the final product. Spray drying is a central and crucial part of the production process.